Our staff will assist you from here
Enjoy your stay!

# rules
You're at the lobby

the boyz album
photocard lists
# 440
# 163
# 381

# 579
# 183
# 610
# 809

the boyz japan releases
photocard lists

the boyz official merchandise
photocard lists

(trading card)

the boyz other
photocard lists
# 183
# 37



Disclaimer: If you can't find specific list above, it probably wasn't created by me. Please check again
Questions related to collecting, photocards, or anything!

You're about to leave the game and enter the creator's universe. Please proceed with cautions.Continue ➤

Welcome, lovely customers!
Before you come in, here are some regulations that you need to know in Thrill Ride Resort:
PERSONAL USE/WISHLIST is completely fine and you don't need to ask for my permission. In fact i'd be thankful if you want to use it :D (Have fun collecting!)Some examples of personal use:
✓ cropping portion of template to buy, sell, trade
✓ creating your own personal wishlist✘ DO NOT use to create another photocard list for public or wider audience to use (not personal wishlist). Except the ones who were previously granted permission.Examples of public use:
✘ creating POB or album pc list
✘ creating an entirely new list (e.g list of certain pc version, member, pose, etc.)
✘ Or any list that is purposed for wider audience to use / not for your personal use▩ Credit is not a must for PERSONAL WISHLIST but very much appreciated ◡̈▩ Do not modify or update lists on your own (it will confuse me)▩ Avoid asking for scans/files, i really don't have them... After a template is published, i dispose the raw files because they do take quite a lot of storage▩ Avoid reposting/reuploading for non-wishlist purpose, will appreciate if you could just share the tweet or Quote Retweet♡ keep it respectful & enjoy your stay ♡
HANYA UNTUK PENGGUNAAN PRIBADI/WISHLIST dan ga perlu izin dulu. Bahkan aku bakal seneng bgt kalo kalian pake untuk cari wishlist :D (Have fun collecting!)Contoh penggunaan pribadi:
✓ crop untuk wtb, wts, wtt atau untuk nanya ke base
✓ template / wishlist untuk pribadi✘ JANGAN PAKAI untuk bikin template/kompilasi/list photocard baru untuk umum (bukan wishlist pribadi). Kecuali aku udah setuju sebelumnya.Contoh penggunaan umum:
✘ List / kompilasi POB, pc album
✘ List / kompilasi pc untuk versi, member, era, pose tertentu
✘ Pokoknya list yg tujuannya untuk dipakai orang banyak dan bukan untuk sendiri...▩ Ga wajib tulis credit untuk PERSONAL WISHLIST tp aku bakal seneng banget ◡̈▩ Jangan update dan edit list/templatenya sendiri ya, bikin aku bingung▩ Hindari tanya atau minta file scan, karena aku gak punya... Setelah templatenya dipost biasanya langsung aku hapus foto mentahnya▩ Hindari repost/reupload kalo bukan untuk cari wishlist, aku sangat hargai kalo kamu share tweet atau quote retweet <3♡ keep it respectful & enjoy your stay ♡

Welcome, lovely customers!
Before you come in, here are some regulations that you need to know in Thrill Ride Resort:
PERSONAL USE/WISHLIST is completely fine and you don't need to ask for my permission. In fact i'd be thankful if you want to use it :D (Have fun collecting!)Some examples of personal use:
✓ cropping portion of template to buy, sell, trade
✓ creating your own personal wishlist✘ DO NOT use to create another photocard list for public or wider audience to use (not personal wishlist). Except the ones who were previously granted permission.Examples of public use:
✘ creating POB or album pc list
✘ creating an entirely new list (e.g list of certain pc version, member, pose, etc.)
✘ Or any list that is purposed for wider audience to use / not for your personal use▩ Credit is not a must for PERSONAL WISHLIST but very much appreciated ◡̈▩ Do not modify or update lists on your own (it will confuse me)▩ Avoid asking for scans/files, i really don't have them... After a template is published, i dispose the raw files because they do take quite a lot of storage▩ Avoid reposting/reuploading for non-wishlist purpose, will appreciate if you could just share the tweet or Quote Retweet♡ keep it respectful & enjoy your stay ♡
HANYA UNTUK PENGGUNAAN PRIBADI/WISHLIST dan ga perlu izin dulu. Bahkan aku bakal seneng bgt kalo kalian pake untuk cari wishlist :D (Have fun collecting!)Contoh penggunaan pribadi:
✓ crop untuk wtb, wts, wtt atau untuk nanya ke base
✓ template / wishlist untuk pribadi✘ JANGAN PAKAI untuk bikin template/kompilasi/list photocard baru untuk umum (bukan wishlist pribadi). Kecuali aku udah setuju sebelumnya.Contoh penggunaan umum:
✘ List / kompilasi POB, pc album
✘ List / kompilasi pc untuk versi, member, era, pose tertentu
✘ Pokoknya list yg tujuannya untuk dipakai orang banyak dan bukan untuk sendiri...▩ Ga wajib tulis credit untuk PERSONAL WISHLIST tp aku bakal seneng banget ◡̈▩ Jangan update dan edit list/templatenya sendiri ya, bikin aku bingung▩ Hindari tanya atau minta file scan, karena aku gak punya... Setelah templatenya dipost biasanya langsung aku hapus foto mentahnya▩ Hindari repost/reupload kalo bukan untuk cari wishlist, aku sangat hargai kalo kamu share tweet atau quote retweet <3♡ keep it respectful & enjoy your stay ♡

Thrill Ride Resort
Lovely customers, welcome! Welcome!This resort is created for the purpose of easier navigation through @miskinimnida's the boyz photocard listOur friendly and clumsy energetic staff will happily assist you until you find what you're looking for. Please visit the reception desk if you need any help!"Resort owner profile....?"
...i-it's not important!! (;☉_☉)
w-what matters is our service..right..?! ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ̀ˋbut she would be delighted to greet you!
(pspsps our owner also helps with ateez photocard list sometimes)oops sorry i'm so chatty to new customer ∑(ΦдΦlll )
Enjoy your stay, lovely customer!

ATEEZ photocard list
# total 42
Season Songs
# total 40